"Raška, the place where we were born" ... Nikola Pašić
On the historical map, the area of Raška was marked as Dardania and at the time of the Roman colonization of the Ibar valley the capital was Municipium Dardanorum (Sočanica). Raška was the first Nemanjić’s (Serbian) independent country, the center of culture and the statehood of Serbs, and through the area where today the Municipality of Raška extends, all important trade routes have passed. The witnesses of that time are the towns whose remains are along the so-called Roman road, namely Zvečan, Goleč, Brvenik, Maglič, Janok. In the first Serbian state, the first school was founded in the Nemanja’s Palace, the cradle of Serbian literacy and spirituality, where our first enlighteners and writers of St. Sava and Stefan the First-Crowned were educated. With the arrival of the Turks, the headquarters of commerce is moved to Novi Pazar until 1833, when the Ibar valley separated from the Ottoman Empire with its southern and middle part. Then there was the need to establish Raška town in place of Raški Ibar, where the border was located.
Raška as a settlement was first mentioned in 1835, and the town of Raška was proclaimed at the session of the state council of the Principality of Serbia on September 6, 1845, at the proposal of politicians and statesman Ilija Garašanin. Prince Aleksandar Karađorđević, by his decision of September 17, 1845, proclaimed the founding of Raška. The first Urban Plan of Raška, done by Nikola Alković, dates back to 1844, which is considered one of the oldest urban plans.
Wars from 1912 to 1918 did not miss Raška. In one period, during the First World War, from October 31 to November 15, 1915, Raška was in some way the capital of Serbia because it hosted the King and the then Serbian government. Raška was liberated on November 27, 1944. Today’s Raška municipality, as a distinct functional-spatial unit, was formed in 1960.
The day of the municipality of Raška is marked every September 17th.
Natural reserves
Walking tours
Excursion sites
Churches and church property
Cultural and historical sights
Active vacation
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Gastro offer
Cultural offer
Apart Hotels
Lodging and hostels
Apartments and rooms
What to see
Споменик Архиепископа Данила II
Спомен статуа Архиепископа Данила II, налази се у Рашки, на платоу испред Дома културе – биоскопа. Подигнута је 2004. године. Аутор је Живорад Циглић, академски вајар. Архиепископ
Храм Успења Пресвете Богородице у Трнави
Храм Успења Пресвете Богородице у Трнави налази се у средишту села, непосредно поред пута Рашка – Голија, десет километра удаљена од Рашке, у истом дворишту где се налази Црква Све
Црква Свете Тројице у Кућанима
Црква Свете Тројице налази се у селу Кућани. Од Рашке је удаљена 5,5 км, на путу према Новом Пазару. Камен темељац цркве постављен је 2012. године а црква је освештана 2017. године
Излетиште Савина вода
На девет километара од Рашке и осаманест од Панчићевог врха на Копаонику, налази се село Рудница. Изнад села, на брегу Боровик постоји у стени шупљина са водом, која нигде не отиче
Where to stay
Ethno house Čakmara
Traditional restaurant “Čakmara”, with several authentic accommodation rooms, is located 6 km north of Raška, on the main road Kraljevo – Raška. The Čakmara building is made of nat
UR Karavan 123
Коначиште Караван 123 се налази у Беоцима, уз реку Ибар, на удаљености од око 6 км од Рашке. Располаже са 14 соба (37 лежаја). Свака соба поседује купатило, телевизор, room servis.
Konačište “Karavan” has 23 rooms (single, double, triple and quadruple). Each room has Wireless, LCD TV and telephone. The restaurant of national and international cuisine “Karavan
Motel Dušanov konak i Konak Luks
Motel “Dušanov konak” i “Konak Luks” is located three kilometers from Raška, on the main road to Novi Pazar. It offers high standardized and comfortable apartments and rooms. Motel
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