Churches and church property
Храм Успења Пресвете Богородице у Трнави
Храм Успења Пресвете Богородице у Трнави налази се у средишту села, непосредно поред пута Рашка – Голија, десет километра удаљена од Рашке, у истом дворишту где се налази Црква Све
Црква Свете Тројице у Кућанима
Црква Свете Тројице налази се у селу Кућани. Од Рашке је удаљена 5,5 км, на путу према Новом Пазару. Камен темељац цркве постављен је 2012. године а црква је освештана 2017. године
Church of Saint Sava
Church of Saint Sava is located in the center of Supnje and was built in 2002. Its construction is still ongoing. The Divine Liturgy is done on Sundays and public holidays.
Church of the Virgin in Vlasovo
Church of the Virgin in Vlasovo was built in 2013. In the altar of the church, particles of the relics of St George the Great Prince Lazar are stored. The church was built thanks t
Church of the Holy Great Martyr Marine
Church of the Holy Great Martyr Marine, was built in the second half of the fifteenth century in the village of Belo Polje. It was built with cut stone, arched wooden planks and th
Church ruins in Paklenje
Church ruins in the Paklenje is the unusual church on the graveyard, buried in the ground, whose roof was likely at the level of the soil. One can only assume that the reason for s
Church of St. Petka in Jarandol
Church of St. Petka in Jarandol is a small single-nave with the apse in the form of semicircle. It is built of quarry stone and hewn icicles and buried in the ground. The remains o
Church of St. Peter and Paul in Biniće
Saint Nicholas Church in the village Šumnik is a building of the XIII-XIV century, typical of the architecture of this time in the valley of the Ibar. The base of the temple has a
Saint Nicholas Church in Šumnik
Saint Nicholas Church in the village Šumnik is a building of the XIII-XIV century, typical of the architecture of this time in the valley of the Ibar. The base of the temple has a
Church of St. Mark the Evangelist
Church of St. Mark the Evangelist is located on the village cemetery in the village of Beljak and was originally dedicated to St. Presentation of the Virgin, and the current patron
Church of St Petka in Trnava
Church of St. Petka in village Trnava is located in the center of the village, next to the road Raška – Šeremetovica, 10 kilometers from Raška. The church is modest and has simple
Church of Prepodobna Mati Paraskeva (Venerable Mother Paraskeva) in Rudnica
Church of Venerable Mother Paraskeva in village Rudnica began to be built in 1931, with the blessing of the Holy Bishop Nikolai of Ziča, but that further construction was stopped b
Episcopal Church of St Archangel Gabriel
Congregational Church of St. Archangel Gabriel is situated in the center of Raška. The temple was built during the reign of Prince Milan Obrenović with special decree and on public
Church of the Beheading of Saint Jovan Krstitelj (Saint John the Baptist)
Church of the Beheading of Saint Jovan Krstitelj in Baljevac was built as a church of St. Nicholas and its architectural features are an example of structures that were built under
The Church of the Most Holy Mother of God
The Church of the Most Holy Mother of God is located on a hill above the very center of the spa, on its southern side. It was built in 1868, constructed as much older surrounding m