from May 30th to June 1st
June 29th
Vidovdan Assembly of Speeches and Toasts – Pavlica
July 7th
With the dance weaving on Golija – Golija
from July 18th to August 10th
Summer Story of Kopaonik – Kopaonik
from July 26th to July 27th
from July 28th to August 1st
Comic Colony – Semeteš Lake
August 1st and 2nd
Ilinski Days – Semeteš Lake
from August 1st to August 3rd
Early August
Golija encounters – Gradačka Banja
from august 15th to august 19th
August 27th and 28th
Ladies’ Festival of Folklore – Jošanička Banja
August 28th
Great Feast Assembly – Pavlica
from September 5th to September 7th
September 7th
Honey Fair – Baljevac
september 17th
from October 2nd to October 4th
October 14th
early December
Do not miss

The Day of Raška municipality
Prince Aleksandar Karadjordjevic, by his decision of September 17, 1845,