Сеоско туристичко домаћинство „Удахни природу“
Сеоско туристичко домаћинство „Удахни природу“ налази се у селу Прибој, 7 км удаљено од Јошаничке Бање. Објекат има три собе, од којих су две спаваће и једна дневна, купатило и кухињу са свим неопходним уређајима. Посебно место заузима подрум, који је на располагању гостима, осмишљен као место за дружење и конзумацију вина из винских региона Србије. У непосредној близини објекта, кроз село Прибој, протиче планинска река Јошаница. Удахните природу подкопаоничког краја, истражите средњовековну културу, гастрономију, уживајте у термалној води Јошаничке Бање.
Church of Saint Petka in Žerađe
The Church of Saint Petka in the village of Žerađe is located 1 km from the road Biljanovac – Jošanička Banja. The current church was built thanks to Milomir Glavčić from Canada, who is a native of the neighboring village of Kovači. The construction lasted from 2005 to 2019. No information about the old church is available.
Memorial bust of Patriarch German
On the occasion of the thirty years since the death of Patriarch German, in 2021, in Jošanička Banja the memorial bust of Serbian Patriarch German was erected. The memorial bust is located in the immediate vicinity of the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Patriarch German was born in 1899 in Jošanička Banja in a teacher's family. His baptized name was Hranislav. He was the patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church from 1958 to 1990.
Monument Đački grob
Đački grob is a monument dedicated to Serbian soldiers who died during the First World War in the period from 1914 to 1918. It is located in the second protection zone of Kopaonik National Park at 1550m above sea level, near the Kadijevac picnic area. This monument has been around neglected for many years. On the 100th anniversary of the Great War, that injustice was corrected by the PE "Kopaonik National Park". In 2018, the monument was restored and unveiled to the public and visitors to Kopaonik. The monument is in the form of an irregular pyramid, which is formed of a pedestal of four steps and a triangular finial rounded at the top. It is made of rustically hewn, dark gray granite slabs. The author of the monument is unknown, and the text which is engraved on the monument invites children and students to visit such places, and sends a message to all of us, that by knowing our history, we show that we are worthy descendants of our ancestors. There are several hiking trails of varying difficulty and length to the Đački grob site. The shortest one is from the direction of the waterworks (2.1 km), from Kadijevac (3.9 km) and Jaram (4.1 km).
Church of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius
The Church of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius is located in Weekend Settlement on Kopaonik, at Glog, 300 m from the main road Rudnica - Kopaonik, 19 km away from Raška. It was sanctified on the feast of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius in 2021. The founder of the church is Bojan Premović from Raška. The Holy Liturgy is performed every last Sunday of the month.
Church of Saints Cyril and Methodius
In the center of Kopaonik, directly below the Konak Sunčani Vrhovi, in 2019 started the construction of the Church of Saints Cyril and Methodius. The investor of the church is the Diocese of Žiča. The construction work is still in progress.
Viewpoint “Mala Greda”
The viewpoint "Mala greda" was arranged by the Public Enterprise "National Park Kopaonik" during 2021. The viewpoint is located on the 10th kilometer of the regional road Kopaonik - Jošanička Banja, from where there is a wonderful panoramic view of the Kozje stene nature reserve. The sharp ridge and steep cliffs gave this reserve its name. A great undertaking through Kozje stene was made by Dragoljub Mijatović, who dug an irrigation channel, well known as Mijatovića Jaz. Through this gap, he managed to take the water from Kopaonik to his own land in the village of Žutice. The canal was used from 1928 to 1949. A telescope is installed at the viewpoint, so, in addition to the beauty of the untouched nature of the reserve, the chamois that were successfully reintroduced in Kopaonik National Park in 2021. can also be seen.
Споменик Архиепископа Данила II
Спомен статуа Архиепископа Данила II, налази се у Рашки, на платоу испред Дома културе - биоскопа. Подигнута је 2004. године. Аутор је Живорад Циглић, академски вајар. Архиепископ Данило II је био племићки син, у манастир је отишао насупрот вољи родитеља. Био је у дворској служби код краља Милутина. Игуман Никола га је замонашио у манастиру Кончул код Рашке и дао ново име Данило. Данило је 14. септембра 1324. године изабран за једанаестог архиепископа српског.
Храм Успења Пресвете Богородице у Трнави
Храм Успења Пресвете Богородице у Трнави налази се у средишту села, непосредно поред пута Рашка - Голија, десет километра удаљена од Рашке, у истом дворишту где се налази Црква Свете Петке. Темељ цркве подигнут је у мају 1961. године када је и освећен од стране Патријарха Германа, тадашњег администратора Епархије жичке. Градња цркве завршена је исте године. Посвећена је Великој Госпојини и то је храмовна слава. Осликавање храма започето је 2018. године.
Црква Свете Тројице у Кућанима
Црква Свете Тројице налази се у селу Кућани. Од Рашке је удаљена 5,5 км, на путу према Новом Пазару. Камен темељац цркве постављен је 2012. године а црква је освештана 2017. године. Карактеристична је по томе што је цела направљена од дрвета. Административно припада Црквеној општини Никољачкој, Епархији рашко-призренској.
Излетиште Савина вода
На девет километара од Рашке и осаманест од Панчићевог врха на Копаонику, налази се село Рудница. Изнад села, на брегу Боровик постоји у стени шупљина са водом, која нигде не отиче. Та вода се зове ,,Вода Светог Саве“. Сматра се да је вода са извора лековита јер је лично Свети Сава благословио. На самом извору је уређено излетиште. Из центра села Рудница је изграђена пешачка стаза којом се долази до излетишта Боровик и Савине воде. Стаза дужине 900 м пролази кроз борову шуму и комплетно је уређена сигнализацијом, мостићима, одмориштима, видиковцима, информативним таблама. За празник Светог Саве и Ђурђевдан код те воде мештани се окупљају и саборују.
Сеоско туристичко домаћинство „Топлина душе“
Сеоско туристичко домаћинство „Топлина Душе“ налази се у селу Павлица и састоји се од породичне куће, мини зоо врта и етно музеја који чини једанаест објеката (брвнара) са различитим мотивима. Међу њима се налазе воденица са воденичким точком и жрвњом, бачија, ковачка радионица са ковачким мехом, соба са сламарицом и креветима, столарска радионица, надстрешница од делова салаша и другo. Етно комплекс са брвнарама представља својеврстан музеј начина живота и градитељтсва који су постојали на просторима подкопаоничког округа у периоду од пре стотину и више година. Све брвнаре су у свом изворном облику, са мноштвом различитих ствари и предмета карактеристичних за конкретан објекат. Објекат породична кућа се користи за смештај гостију и састоји се од две собе за преноћиште, кухиње, дневног боравка и купатила. У етно музеју постоји надстрешница са столовима капацитета седења до 50 људи, чиме се пружа могућност пријема и угошћавања организованих туристичких посета.
Ресторан и собе Лужњанин ***
Апартмани Пролеће **
Апартман Сања ***
Ресторан Лужњанин
Етно кућа Јошаница Кљунац
Samokovska reka
The trail passes through two nature reserves: Samokovska reka i Kozje stene.
- The total length of the track: about 8,5 kilometers
- Type of trail: tourist recreational trail
- The duration of hiking: 3 hours of walking
- Degree of difficulty: Medium difficult trail
The waterfall Jelovarnik can be reached by the local macadam road Brzeće-Mramor-Rudnik-Zaplanina and it is about 4 km away from the Mramor pass.
- The total length of the track: about 15 kilometers
- Type of trail: tourist recreational trail
- The duration of hiking: 5-6 hours of walking
- Degree of difficulty: Medium difficult trail
Treska, one of the prominent peaks of the Ravni Kopaonik, with conical top Spike (1,622 m), is often resort for Kopaonik visitors.
- The total length of the trail: about 10 kilometers
- Type of trail: tourist recreational trail
- The duration of hiking: about 4-5 hours of walking
- Degree of difficulty: Medium difficult trail
Jankove bare
- The total length of the track: about 15 kilometers
- Type of trail: mountain tourism trail
- The duration of hiking: 5-6 hours of walking
- Degree of difficulty: Medium difficult trail
Markove stene
It goes through the natural reserve Samokovka River, near the granite rocks, geomorphological monuments: Suvi Jelak (1,622 m) and Marko’s Rocks (1,721 m).
- The total length of the trail: about 2 kilometers
- Type of trail: tourist recreational trail
- The duration of hiking: about 30 minutes walk
- Degree of difficulty: easy trail
Едукативна гљиварска стаза
Свет гљива на Копаонику заступљен је са око 300 врста (до сада пописаних) јестивих али и отровних, од којих су неке ретке или су по први пут пронађене управо на Копаонику. Познатије јестиве врсте гљива које могу да се нађу на Копаонику су: вргањи лисичарка, смрчак, шампињони, буковача, пухара.
Едукативна гљиварска стаза дужине 1700m, почиње у близини коначишта Ртањ, води преко Мариних вода и завршава се испод Јарма. Стаза је целом дужином обележена таблама са сликама и описима гљива на Копаонику. Циљ трасирања стазе је едукација љубитеља гљива и природе. Стаза је израђена као пројекат Миколошко-гљиварског савеза Србије у сарадњи са Националним парком Копаоник и Туристичком организацијом Рашка.
National shrine of Kopaonik, the miraculous spring-hidden in the cliffs of Brzećka River. Nature reserve, a community of spruce, beech and other rare plant species.
- The total length of the track: about 15 kilometers
- Type of trail: tourist recreational trail
- The duration of hiking: 6-7 hours of walking
- Degree of difficulty: Medium difficult trail
Nebeske stolice (Cellestial chairs)
The trail passes through areas of the Ravni Kopaonik, a part of the trail passes through two nature reserves: Duboka (lower part) and Suvo Rudište (below Pančić peak).
- The total length of the track: about 8 kilometers
- Type of trail: tourist recreational trail
- The duration of hiking: about 4-5 hours of walking
- Degree of difficulty: Medium difficult trail
Сретен Секулић
Иванови двори
Вила Јаковљевић
Апартмани Матин брег
Apartmani Lela
Apart hotel Mamut *
Mamut Apartments are located at the very center of Kopaonik resort. The facility offers 13 luxuriously equipped apartment which will completely satisfy the needs of the guests. Within the elegant interior of the restaurant, in addition to half board meals, guests can even enjoy the carefully selected à la carte offer. Aditional activities: parking, skiing equipment storage, terrace bar, wi-fi.
Birth house of Milunka Savić
The birth house of Milunka Savić is located in the village of Koprivnica, 7 km away from Jošanička Banja. It was rebuilt in 2015 through the funds of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia, upon request and under the supervision of the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments from Kraljevo. In addition to the house, a garden was also restored (bakery, wood storage, salaš – a type of farm in the Pannonian region). There is an ethnological exbition with items in the house that date from the time when Milunka Savić lived in Koprivnica (the first half of the 20th century). The house was restored in an authentic position on the same foundations and with the use of adequate materials from which the houses were built at that time. Part of the “Days of Milunka Savić” event program, which was organized for the first time in October 2016, is held in front of her birth house in Koprivnica.
Old bath
An old Turkish bath or "hamam" is the oldest cultural and historical monument in Jošanička Banja of particular value as an example of an oriental architectural tradition whose original use has been preserved to this day. It was built during the 18th century. It is located on the left bank of the Jošanica River and 20 m downstream of the "Main Spring". In 2018, the project of reconstruction of the Old Bath was initiated with the funds of the Ministry of Culture, in cooperation with the Local Community Jošanička Banja and the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments from Kraljevo.
Bakery “Mrvica 987”
Restaurant “Mujen Luks”
Restaurant “Buongiorno Nuovo doo”
Restaurant “Špacir”
Restaurant “Keops”
Restaurant “Rio-Koznik Kop”
Restaurant “Maglič 2016 Kopaonik doo”
Restaurant “Alo Alo”
Restaurant “Ski Avenija”
Cafe betting shop “Sport Caffe 980”
Cafe bar “Exit”
Apartments and rooms Gradačka Banja
Сеоско домаћинство Градачка бања се налази на обронцима планине Голије у селу
Градац у непосредној близини манастира Градац, 20 км удаљено од Рашке. Састоји се од
уређеног парка са три централна објекта - воденице у оквиру којих се налазе 3 пространа
апартмана и две собе укупог капацитета 24 лежаја са терасама и летњом баштом изнад
беспрекорно чисте планинске реке. Домаћа храна произведена на газдинству (производња
кајмака, сира и других млечних производа, сопствени пастрмски рибњак, воденице
поточаре са асортиманом свих врста брашна од разних житарица кукуруза, ражи, хељде,
јечма) су основа специфичне понуде овог домаћинства.
Motel-restaurant Jagnjilo
Tavern with lodging "Jagnjilo" is located on the main road Raška - Kraljevo, 1.2 km from the city center. It has 27 rooms (single, double and triple rooms, 9 rooms with Jacuzzi tubs). The restaurant contains hall with 76 seats.
SUTZR "Royal" is located at the crossroads of the main Belgrade-Raška-Podgorica-Skopje highways. It has luxuriously equipped three-bed apartments, double and single rooms. All apartments and rooms have bathrooms with hot water, telephone, TVs, mini bar. There is a restaurant with 50 seats, as well as a variety of goods market.
Ethno house Čakmara
Traditional restaurant "Čakmara", with several authentic accommodation rooms, is located 6 km north of Raška, on the main road Kraljevo - Raška. The Čakmara building is made of natural materials, wood and stone. In the "Čakmara" guests have four rooms of category 3 stars - three double and one single room with bathrooms. All rooms are decorated and furnished in a traditional style and provide a pleasant stay and relaxation.
UR Karavan 123
Коначиште Караван 123 се налази у Беоцима, уз реку Ибар, на удаљености од око 6 км од Рашке. Располаже са 14 соба (37 лежаја). Свака соба поседује купатило, телевизор, room servis. Неке собе имају терасе. У објекту се налази ресторан капацитета 150 места.
Konačište "Karavan" has 23 rooms (single, double, triple and quadruple). Each room has Wireless, LCD TV and telephone. The restaurant of national and international cuisine "Karavan" has a hall with a capacity of 104 seats and a garden with a capacity of 80 seats, which makes the restaurant suitable for: seminars, banquets, and various celebrations.
Motel Dušanov konak i Konak Luks
Motel "Dušanov konak" i "Konak Luks" is located three kilometers from Raška, on the main road to Novi Pazar. It offers high standardized and comfortable apartments and rooms. Motel has 65 beds, 32 suites, national cuisine and secured parking. All apartments and rooms are air conditioned, have bathrooms, mini bars, phones and televisions.
Pastry shop – Buregdžijska radnja Raška
Good food 2016
Pancake shop “Happy”
Fast food 080
UG “Petica”
Restaurant “Karavan 123”
Restaurant “Karavan”
Ethno restaurant with lodging “Čakmara”
Ethno restaurant “Dolče – Vita”
Cafe bar “Izlog 997”
Cafe bar “Dawn Club”
Cafe bar “Way – KNP”
Cafe bar “City pub Ras”
Cafe bar “Rock caffe”
Cafe bar “Verazo doo”
Cafe bar “Ramona”
Cafe “Bahus”
Cafe “Velež”
Kragujevac resort
The Kragujevac resort is located 100 m from the “Sunčani vrhovi” residence. It has 250 beds in two blocks. It has sport courts and parking space.
Restaurant Stari Putnik
Restaurant Anterija
Restaurant Velež
Restaurant with accomodation “Stari Putnik”
Ресторан са преноћиштем „Драгуљица“ се налази у центру Јошаничке Бање. Располаже са 4 собе, рестораном од 60 места и терасом од 80 места. Од 2011. године почео је са радом Аква парк „Драгуљица“ који се налази у непосредној близини.
Miroslav Velјković
Апартмани Пролеће **
Vukosavlјević Božidarka
Janković Srećko
Pribojac Apartments
Апартмани Радоичић
Апартмани и собе Трифуновић
Trifunović Zvezdan
Apartments Bekcic
Sport clubs
Football Club "Bane", Raška
YFC "Vlada Dimitrijević", Raška
"Raška" Futsal Club, Raška
Football Club "Rudar", Balјevac
Football Club "Granit", Jošanička Banja
Basketball Club "Bane", Raška
Valleyball Club "Raška", Raška
Valleyball Club "Bane", Raška
Valleyball Club "Rudar", Balјevac
Valleyball Club "Jošanička Banja", Jošanička Banja
Football Club "Bane", Raška
YFC "Vlada Dimitrijević", Raška
"Raška" Futsal Club, Raška
Football Club "Rudar", Balјevac
Football Club "Granit", Jošanička Banja
Basketball Club "Bane", Raška
Valleyball Club "Raška", Raška
Valleyball Club "Bane", Raška
Valleyball Club "Rudar", Balјevac
Valleyball Club "Jošanička Banja", Jošanička Banja
Football Club "Bane", Raška
YFC "Vlada Dimitrijević", Raška
"Raška" Futsal Club, Raška
Football Club "Rudar", Balјevac
Football Club "Granit", Jošanička Banja
Basketball Club "Bane", Raška
Valleyball Club "Raška", Raška
Valleyball Club "Bane", Raška
Valleyball Club "Rudar", Balјevac
Valleyball Club "Jošanička Banja", Jošanička Banja
Outdoor Gym
One of the 45 "Coca-Cola" outdoor gyms was set next to the city's swimming pool also in our city. Equipped with easy-to-use exercise equipment (rowing simulator, bench seat, horizontal and Finnish stairs, arms and legs equipment). The gym represents a place for athletes and recreational players whose goal is to promote physical activity as one of the prerequisites for good health.
Football stadium
The football stadium started operating in 1973 and the domestic football club "Bane" plays on it. It is located in the city center and can accommodate 3,000 spectators.
City Pool
Sports center Raška has modern sports facility, the city swimming pool opened in 2003. It has an Olympic pool, a small swimming pool and a children's pool. Within the building there are outdoor sports fields for volleyball and soccer on sand, table tennis and badminton. The building is equipped with a modern cafe bar where guests can relax and refresh themselves.
Sports Hall
As part of the Sports Center Raška, there is a sports hall opened in 1992. The capacity of the sports hall is 2,500 places. Sports hall offers its services to schools as part of regular classes, as well as a large number of sports clubs from Raška. Concerts, as well as other cultural, artistic and sports events are often held at this facility. Also, in Baljevac, Jošanička Banja and Supnje there are gyms within school buildings used by students of elementary schools, as well as a large number of clubs and townspeople.
Hunting and fishing
In the vicinity of the town of Raška, a special experience is the area of untouched nature that is characterized by the richness of water and the diverse living world. Nature lovers are enabled to surrender to their favorite hobby, hunting and fishing as an integral and significant segment in the overall tourist offer of this area. The hunting grounds are attractive and have a lot of wildlife. "Hunting association Raška", with its headquarters in Raška, runs a hunting ground with a total area of 21,630 ha, of which hunting area covers 20,169 ha. The association has 172 active members. Consistently cultivated game species in the hunting ground are: rabbit, pheasant, grey partridge and rock partridge. Hunting facilities in the hunting ground have a shelter for pheasants of 0.30 ha.
Golija contains hunting grounds: "Golija" (32,507 hectares) where wolves, foxes and rabbits are hunted, "Studenica" (34,934 hectares) where wild boar, roe deer, fox and wolf and "Biser voda" (4,500 hectares) where they hunt wild boar, wolf and roe deer.
In the area of Raška, water is rich in fish, which can be one of the motives for the passionate fishermen to come to this region. Ibar as the largest river is rich in carp, chub, common barbel, gudgeon and cactus roach. Most trout is in the watercourses of Jošanica, Samokovka, Studenica, Brvenica and Planska River. In the same watercourses there are gudgeon and chub.
Cycling is a very popular way of recreation, exercise, fun and sports. It involves riding by specially designed bicycles offroad. Within the projects "Completely naturally" and "Completely naturally-going further", the Youth Office Raška with the support of the US Embassy and the Old Vlah Association from Ivanjica, marks mountain bike trail in a length of 120 km in both directions, covering the territories of the municipality of Ivanjica and Raška and the towns of Kraljevo and Novi Pazar. The Raška Cycling Club encourages young people in the Raška municipality to be involved in cycling and to live a healthy lifestyle. Special emphasis is given to younger categories - toddlers, cadets, juniors.
Cultural and artistic societies
There are six cultural and artistic societies in the municipality of Raška, which through their activities nurture the culture and tradition of our region: Cultural Art Society "Raška" and Ensemble "Frula" from Raška, Ethno Art Club "Čerenjski" and Cultural Art Club "Rudar" from Baljevac, Cultural Art Society "Brvenica" from Brvenica and Cultural and Art Society "Milomir Glavčić" from Jošanička Banja.
Today the City Library is one of the most important foundations of education and culture in Raška. The library business takes place within the library network, which currently consists of the city library in Raška and the library branches in Baljevac and Jošanička Banja. The entire library network has a fund of 47,000 books. The present building of the library in Raška, the old House of Kursulić, has been declared a cultural monument due to its historical and cultural values, under the protection of the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments from Kraljevo and is located in the register of immovable cultural property since 1981
The Raška Cinema is located in Predraga Vilimonovića bb in Raška. Within the cinema, the Center for Culture "Gradac" organizes the presentation of the latest films in digital and 3D format for adults and children.
Gallery of the Cultural Center "Gradac" is located in Ibarska St. 6, in Raška. Within the gallery, the Center for Culture organizes about 15 exhibitions annually. The exhibitions are attended by the most important painters and sculptors from all over Serbia, as well as young artists from Raška.
Rafting on Ibar
Rafting, one of the most exciting offerings of an active vacation, is a recreational activity that connects the raft, navigation and durability of the crew in water conditions. With its gorge of the Ibar River all the adventurers, nature and river lovers, rafters are tempted. Descending down the restless water of Ibar full of exciting gorges and rapids which are then replaced with peaceful, quiet and idyllic route perfect for swimming and relaxing, represents a new and unforgettable experience.
Hiking trail Borovik – St. Sava water
Nine kilometers from Raška, and eighteen from Pancic's peak on Kopaonik, is the village of Rudnica. Above the village, on the hill of Borovik there is a cavity with water in the rock, which does not flow off anywhere. This water is called "St. Sava Water". The pedestrian path "Borovik - Savina voda" in the length of 900 m was made to the water source. The path passes through the pine forest and is completely signalized and arranged by bridges, rest areas, panorama viewpoints. Along the path, signs and information boards are set up so that visitors will always know how much they have stepped up and at what altitude they are, and ten themed boards containing fragments from the life and work of St. Sava. Information boards are printed in Serbian and English, while the thematic boards are for now only in Serbian.
Church of Saint Sava
Church of Saint Sava is located in the center of Supnje and was built in 2002. Its construction is still ongoing. The Divine Liturgy is done on Sundays and public holidays.
Church of the Virgin in Vlasovo
Church of the Virgin in Vlasovo was built in 2013. In the altar of the church, particles of the relics of St George the Great Prince Lazar are stored. The church was built thanks to the donor Vesnica Savić Urosević from Australia and members of her family.
Church of the Holy Great Martyr Marine
Church of the Holy Great Martyr Marine, was built in the second half of the fifteenth century in the village of Belo Polje. It was built with cut stone, arched wooden planks and the roof is covered with tiles. As the foundations show that was erected on the spot where there was even older church from logs. Old wooden iconostasis is outdated, and the new one is made of planks.
Church ruins in Paklenje
Church ruins in the Paklenje is the unusual church on the graveyard, buried in the ground, whose roof was likely at the level of the soil. One can only assume that the reason for such a rare architecture was to conceal the holy shrines at the time of Turkish ruling. The church is small in size (5 x 3 m) and ends with a semicircular apse in the altar area in which it is built of brick altar table.
Church of St. Petka in Jarandol
Church of St. Petka in Jarandol is a small single-nave with the apse in the form of semicircle. It is built of quarry stone and hewn icicles and buried in the ground. The remains of frescoes suggest that it is dating from the late seventeenth or early eighteenth century
Church of St. Peter and Paul in Biniće
Saint Nicholas Church in the village Šumnik is a building of the XIII-XIV century, typical of the architecture of this time in the valley of the Ibar. The base of the temple has a rectangular shape on whose central space rises the dome driven by pilasters and arches. Its architectural structure is similar to the nearby church in Baljevac and Brvenik. The founder of the church is not known. In recent times the church was rebuilt.
Saint Nicholas Church in Šumnik
Saint Nicholas Church in the village Šumnik is a building of the XIII-XIV century, typical of the architecture of this time in the valley of the Ibar. The base of the temple has a rectangular shape on whose central space rises the dome driven by pilasters and arches. Its architectural structure is similar to the nearby church in Baljevac and Brvenik. The founder of the church is not known. In recent times the church was rebuilt.
Church of St. Mark the Evangelist
Church of St. Mark the Evangelist is located on the village cemetery in the village of Beljak and was originally dedicated to St. Presentation of the Virgin, and the current patron is St. Marko evangelist. According to the charter of Despot Stefan Lazarević from 1392 the Church of the Presentation is credited and donated to the monastery Hilandar. The present church was built in 1656, and also a part of the iconostasis originates from the same year. It was built of crushed stone of volcanic origin, while the vault is constructed of hogged limestone.
Church of St Petka in Trnava
Church of St. Petka in village Trnava is located in the center of the village, next to the road Raška - Šeremetovica, 10 kilometers from Raška. The church is modest and has simple architecture. After its forms and a limited scale, no dome, with rectangular in plan, with a gabled roof covered with stone slabs, and low height, Trnava church belongs to the rural churches incurred at the time of Turkish ruling. The basis is a single building with a small semicircular apse to the east and at the same time with the narthex built on the west side.
It was built of crushed stone vault of cut icicles, and the flagstones are retained only on the roof of the apse. It was built on the foundations of an older church. The church was built and painted in 1579. The preserved frescoes standing figures of saints hierarchs, holy warriors and other saints (St. Sava and St. Simeon), as well as the dominant Great Feasts in the nave and scenes from the life of St. Petka in the narthex, have undoubted stylistic and iconographic value.
Church of Prepodobna Mati Paraskeva (Venerable Mother Paraskeva) in Rudnica
Church of Venerable Mother Paraskeva in village Rudnica began to be built in 1931, with the blessing of the Holy Bishop Nikolai of Ziča, but that further construction was stopped by World War II. The construction work was continued in the fifties of the twentieth century, so that the temple of Venerable mother Paraskeva was not consecrated until 1959 at the time of Patriarch German. The temple was rebuilt in 2007.
Episcopal Church of St Archangel Gabriel
Congregational Church of St. Archangel Gabriel is situated in the center of Raška. The temple was built during the reign of Prince Milan Obrenović with special decree and on public expense of the Principality of Serbia at that time, in the period from 1871-1874. In the past 140 years the church was repeatedly reconstructed. The icons on the iconostasis were painted in 1975. Sometime later, painting of the entire interior of the Cathedral started, which was continued by Žička icon painting school in 1998 and which was fully completed in autumn 2004.
Church of the Beheading of Saint Jovan Krstitelj (Saint John the Baptist)
Church of the Beheading of Saint Jovan Krstitelj in Baljevac was built as a church of St. Nicholas and its architectural features are an example of structures that were built under the influence of coastal architecture. Based on the architectural features of the building, it is considered that it originates from the end of twelfth or the beginning of the thirteenth century. It is not known who endowed it.
The church has a single-nave building. Painting inside the church has been preserved only in part, in the lower parts. Founded at the end of the first half of the nineteenth century, Baljevac frescoes, by their artistic values and elements, are among the most distinctive visually unique artistic wholes of their time in Serbia. Today, Saint Nicholas Church is under the protection of the Republic of Serbia, as a cultural monument of great significance, and by the characteristics it is similar to the nearby church of St. Nicholas in Šumnik.
Gradac Monastery
Gradac Monastery is located in the village on the slopes of mountin Golija. It is about 12 kilometers from Brvenik and Ibar highway and 22 kilometers from Raška. Gradac Monastery is the endowment of Helen of Anjou, wife of King Uroš the First. There is no written information about the construction of the monastery, but is believed to be completed by 1276 year. It was founded as a large male monastery. The founder richly equipped it and took special care of it. It was protected by a massive wall and had two entrances. The monastery complex included structures: a large church of the Holy Virgin and smaller temple of Sv. Nicholas the wonder worker Mirlikijski on the rock above the entrance to the monastery. Of the first dining room, living quarters and the walls that surrounded the monastery complex bases are preserved. In a large church dedicated to the Virgin Mary (Annunciation) there was the laid body of Queen Helen after she reposed in 1314.
At the end of the sixteenth century the monastery was briefly restored, however, only a few years later, around 1600, during the Austro-Turkish war it was abandoned. On that occasion, the monks hid the relics of the holy queen and the place is still not known. It was not until the mid-twentieth century, that the monastery has been completely renovated. The interior of the Church of the Virgin in Gradac is one of the most beautiful in the Serbian medieval architecture. Gradac is today a female monastery and one of the most active Serbian medieval cultural and historical monuments.
Nova Pavlica Monastery
Nova Pavlica monastery in the village of Pavlica, 2 km southeast of Brvenik and 8 kilometers north of Raška, was founded by prominent nobles Musić brothers, the sons of the leader Musa, and their mother Dragana, sister of Prince Lazar. It was built between 1383 and 1386, and was decorated with frescoes in 1387. The church is dedicated to the Presentation of the Virgin and Stefan and Lazar Musić and their mother Dragana as a nun Theodosius are buried in it.
According to the basic spatial concept, the church belongs to the Morava school, but differs from other buildings since there is no jagged and decorative processed facade. The whole building is built of stone, plastered on the outside. Windows and doors are framed by marble, clumsily dressed, which indicates the influence of close Raška monuments. According to the latest research results, the church was rebuilt in 1464 as evidenced by the inscription discovered in the narthex and parts of frescos. At the end of the nineteenth century on the west side a massive bell tower was erected. Painting of the monument, with its features, may bind to certain whole fresco Serbian medieval artistic heritage only by some details. Now Nova Pavlica is a female monastery.
Končul Monastery
Monastery Končul (Končulj) is located on the left bank of the Ibar River, 3 km southeast of Raška. According to traditional belief it was founded by Stefan Nemanja, around 1175. Končul Monastery is dedicated to St. Nicholas and is popularly known as the Nikoljača. It is known that St. Sava spent the first night of his escape to Chilandar on Mount Athos in this monastery. Also, there Archbishop Danilo II became a monk, and during King Milutin the monastery was the seat of the newly formed Ibar diocese. Its biggest rise the monastery experienced in the XIV and the first half of XV century.
With the arrival of the Turks in 1459, the monastery Končul, as well as other Serbian holy sites, had a hard times. The monastery was devastated and destroyed in the Austro-Turkish war in 1689, and remained in ruins until 1861 when the monastery church was rebuilt, which is the only one remaining of the entire monastery complex. From 1975 to 1979, in the church and the entire monastery complex archaeological research were carried out.
In 2000 the sisterhood of the monastery of Sveta Trojica, in Mušutište in Kosovo and Metohija, which was devastated in the invasion of Albanians, went to the monastery Končul and started with the material and the spiritual renewal of the sanctuary that was abandoned for centuries. In the monastery Končul, there are workshops for sewing and icon-painting workshop, in which the nuns make miniatures on parchment.
Memorial room “Raška – the war capital of the Kingdom of Serbia 1915”
The memorial room is located in the building of the Center for Culture, Education and Information "Gradac" in Raška. It was opened on November 12, 2015, marking the 100th anniversary of the visit of the Government of the Kingdom of Serbia and the Crown Prince Aleksandar Karađorđević in Raška (October 31 - November 12).
The main part of the setting relates to the event of the residence of the Government and the Crown Prince in Raška and it consists of documents and copies of documents (minutes from the sessions, testimonies of the participants), photographs of the event's participants (Aleksandar Karađorđević, Nikola Pašić, Živojin Mišić, ministers in the Government) from that period. The fact that in Raška also found a national relic of invaluable importance for Serbia - Miroslav's gospel, the most important cyrillic monument of Serbian-Slavic literacy from the 12th century, which Ljuba Davidović and Vojislav Marinković were entrusted with, for further preservation of the State Treasury Secretary Avram Lević and its clerks, especially contributed to the significance and attractiveness of this setting.
One "corner" of the memorial room is dedicated to Milunka Savić, who made this part of Serbia well-known in the Balkan war and World War I, in which she has exhibited her decorations except for the reprint of her photographs, as well as the objects and uniform she wore in the war.
This setting is enriched with several art objects. The Cultural Center has one bas-relief with the image of Nikola Pašić and the sculpture by the author Živorad Ciglić, who with their "story" directly associate events in Raška a century ago.
House of Kursulić
The building of the Center for Culture, Education and Information, within the framework of which is the city library, gallery and memorial room "Raška - War Capital of the Kingdom of Serbia 1915", known as "House of Kursulić" is located in Raška, in Ibarska Street. It was built at the end of the XIX century between years 1878 - 1895. The urban disposition of the building is in accordance with the regulation established in 1840, by order of Prince Aleksandar Karadjordjević dated September 17, 1845, related to the establishment of community in Raška.
House of Kursulić is one of the first buildings built in the style of Central European civil architecture, in the reputation of houses in cities across the Sava and Danube. The architecture is an eclectic style with the predominant influence of classicism. During the First World War, from October 31 to November 12, 1915, the Serbian government and regent Aleksandar, the commander-in-chief of the Serbian army, stayed in Raška. During this time, two sessions were held, one in Kursulić's house, under the presidency of Nikola Pašić and in the presence of the registry officer Aleksandar Karadjordjević. By the decision of the competent authorities, this building was placed under the protection of the state as a cultural monument.
Medieval city Brvenik
The medieval town at the mouth of the river Brvenica in Ibar is located 5 km south of Baljevac, 8 km north of Raška, built on a dome hill at 599 m above sea level. Brvenik was a typical parish city of the parish of the same name, which was first mentioned in the sources in 1280. The head Musa, brother in law of the Prince Lazarus, took this city from the Duke Vojislav in 1363, in exchange for the town of Zvečan.
Brvenik was subsequently succeeded by the sons of Musa Stefan and Lazar, who built their endowment, the church of St. Vavedenje, today's Nova Pavlica. The foundation of the city, of irregular shape, is adapted to the terrain. The insignificant remains of the fortifications, however, provide insight into the inner structure of the city, which was surrounded by a rampart, and of which the part with a circular tower was preserved.
There are stones left from the fortress, and the former tower was located south of the citadel, towards the mouth of the Brvenica River to Ibar, to a slightly lower peak (500 m above sea level) with a prominent tower of a semicircular shape. The old road to the fortress leads to it, and on the eastern side of this fortress, the old town Brvenik was connected with Ibar.
Under the town of Brvenik there are ruins of the medieval church of St. Nicholas. There is no information about how the church was founded. The medieval town of Brvenik, together with the church, was placed under the protection of the state as a cultural monument.
Excursion site “Očna Banja Gradac”
The excursion site is located in the immediate vicinity of the Gradac Monastery, in the former park of the Queen Helen of Anjou. This site is famous for the water spring good for eye diseases. It is located at 577 meters above sea level. The excursion site is accessible and well arranged. There are children's facilities (slide, swings) on the excursion site, and this place is the right choice for a trip. Also, the event "Gradački susreti" is held at this place.
Excursion site “Izvorak”
In the immediate vicinity of the monastery of Stara Pavlica, 9 km north of Raška, there is a locality among people known as "Izvorak". The site consists of two parts separated by a railroad, and connected with a gulch to which the water from 4 sources is poured. Other than that, in the immediate vicinity of these sources there are a few smaller sources. The resort was arranged in 2004, it was placed in ecological excursion sites and became known by ethno festivals. "Festival of sermon and toasts" and "Festival of original Serbian songs" are held here.
Stone bridge
One of the sights that adorn the town of Raška is the stone bridge on the Ibar River, which was built from 1893 to 1895. It was built in a place where scaffolding used to be. During the occupation of 1915, most of people left the city. Evacuating from Raška, guardians of the Serbian army tried to slow down the enemy and a part of the stone bridge was blown up into the air to the left bank of the river. The bridge was brought to its original state in 1925.
Suvo Rudište
The reserve is located in the north eastern slopes of Suvo Rudište, on the part of the slope that extends from the top to the Brzećka River source, including "Krčmar voda" site. It covers an area of 50.63 ha. Basic values of this reserve are the regional communities of blueberries, juniper and subalpine fir and bird communities. The concept of protection refers to the protection of subalpine shrub vegetation, source water and the protection of soil against erosion.
Natural reserve Vučak is located in the northwestern part of the park, in the area of the spa Kopaonik, on the southwest side of the Vučak peak. It covers an area of 62.02 ha. The basic value is the forest community of spruce and fir, which is especially interesting because fir gives the indicator significance of a particular spruce growing above its vertical belt (1,550-1,750 m). The concept of protection relates to the conservation community as a whole.
Natural reserve Metodje includes the Brzećka River right valley slope and river canyon with a nearby forest where there is yew. It covers an area of 110.58 hectares. Metodje shrine is located in the reserve, monument of religious architecture with the driveway length of 600 meters, as well as cold water geyser whose jet reaches 5-6 meters in height. This reserve is set aside six phytocoenologically different spruce and beech communities and a number of other rare and relict plant species. Spruce and fir forests are numerous and stretch up to 1,800 meters above sea level and beech trees reach 40 meters.
Kozje stene
Natural reserve Kozje Stene (Goat rocks) is situated in the western part of the mountain Kopaonik, on the left side of the Samokovska River gorge above which very attractive rocks rise and by which the reserve was named. It covers an area of 431.98 ha of which covers gorge, the entire ridge Kozje stene, Kukavica and eastern slopes of Jadovnik hill. Within the area of the reserve there are a few specific wholes. Canyon part is characterized by endemic and relict flora (pine, fir, heather and Kopaonik violet) as well as various and very numerous fauna (peregrine falcon, short-toed eagle, honey buzzard, Balkan Horned Lark).
Nature reserve Jelovarnik covers an area of 57.14 ha. The chief value of this reserve gives the waterfall of the same name which is surrounded by natural polydominant beech forests, beech and spruce, beech, spruce and maple. Fauna of birds contains the species: mountain wagtail, gray tit, wren, finches, dipper.
The natural reserve is located on Mala Gobelja, including the source crest Gobelja River and extends from arch arched ridge on the line: Oštri krš - Velika Gobelja -Mala Gobelja, to Gobelja River. It covers an area of 138.64 hectares. The basic value is a refuge above the gorge Gobelja River, on whose steep sharp rocky ridges edelweiss grows, glacial relic, which is a highly endangered species in Serbia.
The reserve is located on the left side of the Duboka River valley, climbing up from the river basin, from 1,020 to 1,780 meters above sea level. It covers an area of 97.33 ha. Basic values of this reserve are relict communities of beech forest with autumn moor grass and beech with black hornbeams, the only ones on Kopaonik, as well as relict maple communities with subalpine beech. Fauna of birds contains the species: honey buzzard, long-eared owl, wood warbler.
Bele stene
The reserve covers the gutter Bele Stene as well as forests that descend to "Metodje" and "Jelak" and occupies an area of 76.21 ha. Basic values of this reserve are the plant communities of meadows, stones, rocks, forests, subalpine bushy, tall herbs.
Barska reka
The reserve is located on the right valley side of the river Bar (Barska reka), in Ravni Kopaonik. It covers an area of 89.92 ha. The basic values are the richness and diversity of vegetation, which is orographic and hydrological conditioned. Characteristic of this reserve is a vertical vegetation variation from spruce, beech-spruce, beech-fir-spruce to the pure beech forests.
Pančić’s mausoleum
Pančić’s mausoleum is located on Pančić’s peak, the highest peak of Mountain Kopaonik, at 2,017 meters above sea level. It was named after a famous Serbian botanist Josif Pančić.
Pančić’s mausoleum is the first monument in the mountains of Serbia. It was built by architect Vladimir Vladisavljević, to mark 50 years of mountaineering Serbia in 1951. The mausoleum is built of Kopaonik granite and stone, and on it there is a plaque with an inscription of hikers. Access to the mausoleum is under the official ban. In the fall, after the end of the NATO bombing, National Park Kopaonik was renewed and Pančić’s mausoleum was reconstructed, which was damaged during the bombing. Complete mausoleum was rebuilt again, and even the stone from the same quarry was used.
Nebeske stolice
On the Kopaonik, just below Pančić’s peak, there is a site Nebeske Stolice (Celestial chairs) at an altitude of 1,800 m. In this location, which name was given by Duke Živojin Mišić, are the remains of the church of St. Procopius. The church is dedicated to St. Procopius, the patron saint of miners, because this mountain, in the ancient and medieval sources named the Silver mountain, was known even then for its mining potential. According to tradition, long ago in the course of one night the church disappeared, as if it flew, and in its place only the foundations remained. Piles of flying walls of the church were falling all over Toplica, and on those places where the planks fell the new churches were created.
At Nebeske Stolice early Christian basilica was found with a double apse built of quarry and cut stone with a mosaic floor which dates from the first century and Roman building in which the money from the time of Diocletian and Constantine was found
Metodje on Kopaonik is a shrine from the third century and dedicated to the Olympic Methodius. At this point, the Romans built a church in stone. The nearby mines evidence their presence at the time. The shrine is located in the rock, which resembles a small cave and is located at 1,450 meters above sea level.
On the wall is a fresco of St. Methodius, and on a piece of stone image of the Virgin Mary with the infant Christ. Author is Mirjana Jablanović from Mataruga. Near the shrine there is a geyser fountain whose water quantity and hight vary.
The Picnic Area “Kadijevac”
The excursion site "Kadijevac" is located in Kopaonik National Park, 7 km away from tourist center Kopaonik, on the way to Jošanička Banja. It is surrounded by dense coniferous forest through which the mountain river Samokovka passes, which gives a special charm to the entire environment and is an ideal place for rest, recreation and socializing. A good location, beautiful nature and summerhouses make this place an ideal starting point for exploring Kopaonik National Park. Only a 20-minute walk away there is Jankove bare nature reserve, and then from this place you can start to conquer Kukavica or visit the Đački grob site.
“Đorov most” excursion site
Đorov most excursion site is located at the entrance to the National Park Kopaonik, 4 km away from Josanicka Banja, along the left bank of the river Samokovka, surrounded by beech forest. Near the river, there are several summer houses with capacity for over 100 fans of relaxation and excursions to the countryside. It is mostly visited during the weekend because of the environment and peace, clean and pleasant air, especially in the hot summer days. It is the right place for rest and recreation and is the unavoidable stop for tourists visiting Kopaonik.
“Barska reka” excursion site
Barska reka excursion site is located on the right side of this river, in a flat area of Kopaonik. It belongs to the popular destinations of the area. Barska reka site covers an area of 89.92 ha. The biggest attraction of the site is an impressive waterfall in the canyon of Barska reka at 915 meters above sea level which is otherwise inaccessible. The diversity and richness of vegetation and fauna makes this resort even more interesting.
Barska Reka waterfall
Near the village of Lisine, in the foothills of Kopaonik, a waterfall is situated on the river Barska. The road to the waterfall is quite inaccessible, but for those who prefer natural attractions, it is extremely attractive because of looks, beauty and inaccessible terrain. A special attraction represent the waterfall cascades 300 meters long. In one part, the waterfall has a vertical drop of about 40 meters.
Jelovarnik waterfall
Jelovarnik is the second highest waterfall in Serbia with a height of 71 and includes three cascades. It is situated on Kopaonik in area Jelovarnik, after which it was named, within the national park, at an altitude of about 1,500 meters, 2.5 kilometers east of the Pančić’s Peak. It was discovered by the team of geologists in 1998, and until
Obelisk on Kopaonik is four-sided pyramid about 15 feet high, which has "doors" at the bottom on all four sides a height of about 1.70 meters. Obelisk is located on the edge of a former coal mine and on its right side it is deep in the valley, and on the left are the output stations for Pančić and Centre cable car. It is set at the top "Suvo Rudište" whose height is 1,970 meters, and about 700 meters as the crow flies from the Pančić’s Peak. Obelisk is a surveyor trigonometric point.
Kozje stene and Mijatovićev jaz
Kozje stene are sharp ridge in the north Jadovnik, whose north-eastern side plunges into the Samokovska River valley, above which very attractive rocks rise and by which the preserve is named. Large venture through Kozje stene made Dragoljub Mijatovic who conducted water through huge rocks from the top of Kopaonik, over precipices and steep cliffs with the system of channels and devices for irrigation. He began the work in 1927, and the direction and the slope was traced using an improvised device for elevation. Despite the disbelief of most locals and the then experts, on August 14, 1928 in village Žutica, to his farm, water arrived. Channel, 18 km long, was used until 1949.
Wellness & Spa
Contents of Wellness & Spa center are tailored to the needs of the present time and are designed for a moment of individual and unique experience, in order to achieve the vitality, beauty and harmony.
The Wellness & Spa centers on Kopaonik offer indoor and outdoor pools with relaxation zone, salt-ice cave, sauna, tepidarium, Jacuzzi tubs, steam baths, various massages and similar facilities.
Wellness facilities are available to visitors of the tourist center Kopaonik in several buildings:
- Hotel Grand
- Hotel Club A
- Hotel Milmari
- Hotel Grey
- Hotel Putnik
- Vila Mujen lux
- Apart hotel Kraljev čardak
- Apart hotel Spa & Zoned
Superbly landscaped grounds of ski center Kopaonik provide immense enjoyment to all categories of skiers, from beginners to the ones with the top-level skier’s abilities and make your stay in Kopaonik unforgettable. Kopaonik ski resort has about 62 km of trails. For lovers of night skiing there is alight track, "Small Lake", "Pančić 4b" and "Karaman greben".
In addition, for the youngest skiers and other beginners, who are making their first ski steps, there is a special space "ski kindergarten" with a conveyor belt and a carousel that makes it easy to master basic skiing skills. In addition to trails for alpine and Nordic skiing, ski resort Kopaonik has also arranged snow-board park, where many competitions both domestic and international are organized.
Bela reka 1
Type of lift: two-seater
Length: 1,720 meters
Capacity: 800
Altitude difference: 305 mеters
Duration of journey: 10.50 minutes
Bela reka
Type of lift: two-seater
Length: 1,288 meters
Capacity: 800
Altitude difference: 500 meters
Duration of journey: 8.50 minutes
Duboka 2
Type of lifts: four-sided
Length: 1.107 meters
Capacity: 1,800
Altitude difference: 395 meters
Duration of journey: 7.50 minutes
Duboka 1
Type of lifts: four-sided
Length: 1,409 meters
Capacity: 1,800
Altitude difference: 385 meters
Duration: 6.50 minutes
Type of lifts: four-sided
Length: 878 meters
Capacity: 2,400
Altitude difference: 232 meters
Duration of journey: 4.00 minutes
Gobelja relej
Lift type: ski lift
Length: 705 meters
Capacity: 960
Altitude difference: 180 meters
Duration of journey: 3.50 minutes
Type of lift: six-seater
Length: 1,234 meters
Capacity: 2,400
Altitude difference: 289 meters
Duration of journey: 4.50 minutes
Lift type: ski lift
Length: 598 meters
Capacity: 900
Altitude difference: 68 meters
Duration of journey: 3.00 minutes
Lift type: ski lift
Length: 857 meters
Capacity: 900
Altitude difference: 140 meters
Duration of journey: 4.50 minutes
Karaman greben
Type of lift: six-seater
Length: 1,225 meters
Capacity: 3,000
Altitude difference: 173 meters
Duration of travel: 8.00 minutes
Kneževe bare
Lift type: ski lift
Length: 836 meters
Capacity: 900
Altitude difference: 149 meters
Duration of journey: 4.50 minutes
Type of lift: six-seater
Length: 1,932 meters
Capacity: 1,800
Altitude difference: 471 meters
Duration: 6.5 minutes
Type of lifts: four-sided
Length: 671 meters
Capacity: 2,018
Altitude difference: 116 meters
Lift type: ski lift
Length: 781 meters
Capacity: 1,188
Altitude difference: 267 meters
Duration of journey: 4.00 minutes
Mali Karaman
Type of lifts: four-sided
Length: 1,042 meters
Capacity: 2,400
Altitude difference: 193 meters
Duration of travel: 8.00 minutes
Mali Karaman A
Lift type: ski lift
Length: 1,082 meters
Capacity: 900
Altitude difference: 193 meters
Duration of travel: 5.00 minutes
Malo jezero
Lift type: ski lift
Length: 450 meters
Capacity: 880
Altitude difference: 76 meters
Duration of travel: 2.30 minutes
Marine vode
Lift type: ski lift
Length: 909 meters
Capacity: 900
Altitude difference: 187 meters
Duration of journey: 4.50 minutes
Lift type: ski lift
Length: 300 meters
Capacity: 450
Altitude difference: 45 meters
Duration of journey: 2.00 minutes
Pančićev vrh
Type of lifts: four-sided
Length: 1,339 meters
Capacity: 2,400
Altitude difference: 248 meters
Duration of travel: 5.00 minutes
Sunčana dolina
Type of lifts: four-sided
Length: 963 meters
Capacity: 2,070
Altitude difference: 191 meters
Duration of travel: 5.00 minutes
Vučak 1
Lift type: ski lift
Length: 280 meters
Capacity: 720
Vučak 2
Lift type: ski lift
Length: 230 meters
Capacity: 706
Mountain biking tours
The beautiful terrains of Kopaonik, slopes and paths represent a real challenge for professionals and recreation lovers of mountain biking. In Kopaonik in 2012 is built the first bike park in Serbia. Lovers of mountain biking have three routes to descend 5 km in length.
KGB is a beginner's slope length of 2,120 m and a width of 1.5 m. Average slope gradient is 7%, a maximum slope does not exceed 15%. The larger part of the track is located on the green areas with short work of passing through the forest.
Mordor is difficult trail it is designed for the most experienced drivers. The width of the track is 0.8 m to 1 m. It contains a variety of obstacles and jumps that do not exceed a height of 1 m. Average slope gradient of 8% and most of the trails in the forest, and home to the tread pattern is not always stable.
Struga trail is of medium difficulty and enables a fun experience for commuters. On the track there are the inevitable obstacles that do not exceed a height of 0.5 m. The track has a length of 2,100 m and a width of 1 m, and the average slope is 7%. Maximum slope exceeds 10%.
Hiking and Climbing
A large area with rich flora and fauna, a lot of sources, streams and rivers, as well as affordable rocky peaks hidden in coniferous forests, cliffs and gentle slopes of the folds and valleys, canyons, vast coniferous forest with numerous paths and roads for short and long walking (hiking) make Kopaonik an ideal place for an active holiday. Alpine climbing, as the most extreme form of climbing is the highest level of achievement in mountaineering and movement and passing inaccessible terrain. During the stay on Kopaonik, moving that is going down the Eagle (White) rocks and going through the rough terrain (cliffs) can be experienced with the help of special equipment that serves as a guardrail.
Walking Tours on Kopaonik
Walking Tours on Kopaonik
A great way to meet and experience the Kopaonik in summer are the hiking tours through the beautiful landscapes of Kopaonik. Public Enterprise "Kopaonik National Park" organizes walking tours in accordance with the wishes of tourists, accompanied by expert guides. They offer the following hiking trails:
Nebeske stolice (Cellestial chairs)
The trail passes through areas of the Ravni Kopaonik, a part of the trail passes through two nature reserves: Duboka (lower part) and Suvo Rudište (below Pančić peak).
- The total length of the track: about 8 kilometers
- Type of trail: tourist recreational trail
- The duration of hiking: about 4-5 hours of walking
- Degree of difficulty: Medium difficult trail
National shrine of Kopaonik, the miraculous spring-hidden in the cliffs of Brzećka River. Nature reserve, a community of spruce, beech and other rare plant species.
- The total length of the track: about 15 kilometers
- Type of trail: tourist recreational trail
- The duration of hiking: 6-7 hours of walking
- Degree of difficulty: Medium difficult trail
Samokovska reka
The trail passes through two nature reserves: Samokovska reka i Kozje stene.
- The total length of the track: about 8,5 kilometers
- Type of trail: tourist recreational trail
- The duration of hiking: 3 hours of walking
- Degree of difficulty: Medium difficult trail
The waterfall Jelovarnik can be reached by the local macadam road Brzeće-Mramor-Rudnik-Zaplanina and it is about 4 km away from the Mramor pass.
- The total length of the track: about 15 kilometers
- Type of trail: tourist recreational trail
- The duration of hiking: 5-6 hours of walking
- Degree of difficulty: Medium difficult trail
Treska, one of the prominent peaks of the Ravni Kopaonik, with conical top Spike (1,622 m), is often resort for Kopaonik visitors.
- The total length of the trail: about 10 kilometers
- Type of trail: tourist recreational trail
- The duration of hiking: about 4-5 hours of walking
- Degree of difficulty: Medium difficult trail
Jankove bare
- The total length of the track: about 15 kilometers
- Type of trail: mountain tourism trail
- The duration of hiking: 5-6 hours of walking
- Degree of difficulty: Medium difficult trail
Markove stene
It goes through the natural reserve Samokovka River, near the granite rocks, geomorphological monuments: Suvi Jelak (1,622 m) and Marko’s Rocks (1,721 m).
- The total length of the trail: about 2 kilometers
- Type of trail: tourist recreational trail
- The duration of hiking: about 30 minutes walk
- Degree of difficulty: easy trail
Gliding or paragliding is a recreational and comp’s peak, etitive sport that falls within the aeronautical extreme sports. Paragliding is one of the newest, easiest and simplest air sports that offers the possibility of great adventure, challenge and look at the incredible beauty of the landscape over which it is flying. It was founded in the early eighties by the mountaineers and climbers in the Alps looking for the simplest way to get off the peaks, and for this purpose used old sports parachutes. Attractive locations in Kopaonik enable training to paraglide with the help of experienced instructors, paragliding club "Golija". The duration of the flight depending on terrain and weather conditions is 10-45 minutes and can last for several hours. The largest number of starts recorded on Pančić, Krst, Gobelja and Kokorovac.
Panoramic ride by cable car
The panoramic cable car ride is a special treat and a way to see and experience Kopaonik in a different way. Along one of the most beautiful trails in the center of Kopaonik, every summer tourists are driven by the "Pančić peak" cable car. This cable car takes to one of the tallest peaks of the mountain and offers joy of a view over 2,017 meters above sea level.
Other activities
The Kopaonik Tourist Center during the summer tourist season provides ideal conditions for an active and passive holiday. In addition to recreation and physical activities, walks along pedestrian paths, panoramic drive by cableway to Pančićev vrh (Pancic’s peak), adrenaline contents (bobsleigh on railways, ziplines, tubing), tourists can enjoy the natural beauty and rarities of this mountain.
Children's playground
In order to complete the winter and summer offer for the youngest on Kopaonik, children's playgrounds are open in the Valley of Sports and there are many contents that will entertain the kids. The playground floor is made of rubber, for the safety of children. The playground also has several benches for resting.
Children's town
A large number of different children's elements for games in children's town are safe for children, it will complete the contents for the youngest: bounce house, children's castle, seating benches, inflatable caterpillars, inflatable snowman, teepee tents, swings, slides and many other toys.
The Adventure park
The adventure park extends over an area of about 2000 m2, and consists of numerous elements and various obstacles, such as a pedestrian bridge, a polygon for the youngest, a drawing line, a mini zip line, a large chess, circles for synchronous walking, climbing, hiking and climbing hut, playhouse, climbing, mini trampoline, paths. This adventure park is for children and adults and it works all year round.
Mountaincart is a three -wheel go- carts that provides a unique adrenaline driving experience on a specially prepared 1.5 km long trail.
Archery provides real entertainment for visitors of Kopaonik because through animation and play everyone acquires safety and adopts the technique needed for this sport. The basic course, individual trainings and Team Building are organized on the polygon with the help of professional instructors.
Trim trail
Tourists who decide to spend their holiday on Kopaonik during the summer can use a trim line of 4.7 kilometers long. The trim line consists of four routes and is located in the forest area, on the natural terrain, so that users will be able to choose the one that best suits their physical condition. This content is used by recreationists as well as athletes who stay on Kopaonik during the summer. It is possible to attend some of the numerous educational programs and trainings on Kopaonik, among them are the riding school, basketball school, tennis school, children's program, school in nature, English language school, School health as well as various Wellness & Spa centra programs.
Jeep tours
On the roads in forests that PE "Serbian Forests" build for its needs, there are great possibilities to organize jeep tours, a program lasting two and a half hours, which is consisted of training with instructors, learning about terrain vehicles and driving on tracks full of challenges. Such tours can enable tourists to visit all the locations that are close and get to know the most beautiful parts of the National Park.
Adrenaline Activities
Bob rail, mountainous summer attraction that can sometimes be used in the winter, is a specialized course for descent through the forest environment, set to 1 to 6 m above the ground, with special sleds attached to the rail system that can be used by adults and children accompanied by an adult on two-seat sleds. Movement is done due to the natural inclination of a circuit.
Tubing is a specialized plastic substrate that can be used for sledging, with the help of large tires, both in winter and in summer. It is intended for visitors of all ages who have a desire for good entertainment.
Zip-line represents a true adrenaline experience and offers the opportunity to, with the help of the set cables "fly" from one side to the other, with a special panoramic pleasure. The first zip line in Serbia was set up on Kopaonik.
Hotel Srebrna lisica ***
Hotel Srebrna lisica is located between the track Malo Jezero and Suncana dolina and has 35 comfortable apartments and 9 double rooms. The hotel has a restaurant, bar, games room, billiard room, ski resort, playroom for children, congress hall. The hotel provides the possibility of recreational classes, excursion and sports camps.
Residence Rtanj
Residence Rtanj is located in Kopaonik, below the top of Mali Karaman. It has 234 beds in double, triple and quadruple rooms. Each has a bathroom, TV and wi-fi. Within the hotel there is the ski bar “Fireplace Room”, ethnic restaurants “Odžaklija”, pension restaurant, outdoor kiosks of fast food, open terrace, ski service, sauna, ski. Beside the hotel there is also a multipurpose space “Rtanj B“ as well as an amusement park (adventure park, wall-climbing and zip line system).
Kraljevi Čardaci SPA ****
Hotel and apartments complex “Kraljevi Čardaci SPA” is located in Vikend naselje on the Kopaonik mountain, 4.5 kilometers away from the centre of Kopaonik and 2.5 kilometers away from the first ski lift. Within the hotel “Kraljevi Čardaci” there are 27 accommodation units, and within the hotel complex there are 199 modernly equipped apartments and studios. The contents of “Kraljevi Čardak” are: Spa and Wellness Center, lobby bar, board restaurant, playroom and playground for children in the open air, congress hall, fitness center, ski-mini bus, ski resort and ski service.
Hotel Grey ****
Hotel Grey is located in the center of Kopaonik, at the foot of the Karaman greben. Comfortable and spacious rooms and suites, rich offer of accompanying facilities (ski lift, garage, Grey rent & service, Grey ski school, internet, Grey Spa, restaurant) are adapted to the needs of active and passive holidays.
Gorski hotel & Spa ****
New and certainly luxurious hotel on Kopaonik officially opens at the beginning of 2019, is situated on an exclusive location in the ski center of Kopaonik, near the skiing track Malo jezero. The hotel has 118 luxury rooms and apartments.
“Gorski” Hotel has an exclusive a la carte restaurant and restaurant for skiers, a Spa center, an indoor pool with a view of the ski slopes, saunas, hamam, Russian bath, ice fountain, salt room and tepidarium, modern fitness center. There is also a Congress Center with 470 seats and a 470 m² multifunctional hall.
Dorm of high school students “Mašinac”
The dorm of high school students “Mašinac” is located next to the ski track “Mašinac”. The building is owned by the Ministry of Education. It has a tradition of over thirty years of work with all ages of children and all forms of recreational classes and has 120 beds and two apartments.
JAT apartments **
JAT apartments are located in the heart of the tourist center and offers 132 apartments, a total of 497 beds. All apartments have internet, mts digital TV and hairdryer. Within flocks JAT apartments are two halls for seminars and conferences with a capacity of 100 and 50 seats. Guests of the hotel has a restaurant, shop, ski service and salon for massage.
Villa Ras ***
Villa Ras is located in the heart of the tourist center of Kopaonik, nearby JAT’s apartments with direct access from the main road. Villa Ras is an ideal accommodation for those who come to Kopaonik for skiing in the winter and in the summer to rest and for recreation. Guests can use the accommodation at 15 modern apartments. Facilities: cable TV, internet, ski storage. In the Villa Ras there is a separeted object of kindergarden “Veselo detinjstvo Raska“ that provides services all-day stay of children and playroom. There are 5 underground garage spaces available to guests of the villa.
The Church of the Most Holy Mother of God
The Church of the Most Holy Mother of God is located on a hill above the very center of the spa, on its southern side. It was built in 1868, constructed as much older surrounding monasteries. By the time of construction, it belongs to the youngest monuments in the territory of Raška municipality. The church was erected at the site of the earlier chapel church, as there was no church of hard materials in the surrounding towns of this parish. The construction of the church began and was completed during the reign of Mihailo Obrenović III. It was celebrated on October 13, 1868. The church is colorful and preserves two icons of great artistic value, which are older than the church: "The Virgin with Christ" and "Jesus Christ". It represents a place of gathering of the local population and tourists of the spa, especially during the Easter and Lord's Assembly.
Monument of Milunka Savić
In 1995, the Monument of Milunka Savić was revealed in Jošanička Banja, in its natural size, by sculptor Ljubiša Mančić. It is the only monument in Serbia that was erected in memory of the heroine of the First World and Balkan Wars. The monument of Milunka Savić is a part of the memorial complex in the center of Jošanička Banja, whose reconstruction started at the end of 2018. Within the complex will be opened a memorial room dedicated to the Serbian "Jovanka Orleanka", as they were called because of immense courage. Milunka Savić was decorated by a number of Serbian, French, English and Russian medals.
Birth house of Patriarch German
Serbian Patriarch German (1899-1990), who served as the head of the Serbian Orthodox Church from 1958 to 1990, was born in Jošanička Banja. The house where he was born is located in the center of the settlement Jošanička Banja, at the entrance to the park with thermomineral springs. The birth house of the 43rd Serbian Patriarch German is not open to visitors, nor visibly marked as a birthplace.
Milunka Savić Memorial Room
Milunka Savić Memorial Room is located in Jošanička Banja. It´s an multimedia exhibition, consisting of several segments. Central place of the exhibition occupies the interactive mosaic that is consisted of the numerous photos of Milunka, the authentic films from the Great War. A specially created application runs movies via tablet. The second segment represents two, improvised, military trenches – Serbian and Austro-Hungarian. Their role is to convey to the visitor the conditions in which Milunka fought. Sculptures of soldiers, military uniforms, flags, weapons…The third part of the exhibition is an exhibition of objects from the period of the First World War, photographs, documents and the covers of the French daily Le Petit Journal. Contact: Center for Culture, Education and Information Gradac, telephone +381 (0)36 736 273
New bath
The new bath was built in 1935 at the time when Jošanička Banja was formed as a modern spa resort. During 2016, a project of reconstruction and reorganization of the "New Bath" was realized thanks to the support and funds of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications and the Municipality of Raška, in cooperation with the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments from Kraljevo, under whose protection the building is located as a cultural monument. The outside appearance of the bath remained the same. The building has a symmetrical base, in which the central part and the side wings stand out. It is a ground-floor facility, with flat and elongated facades, characterized by a deep roof wreath, aticts and large semicircular openings. The roof is flat above the central part, while the shallow dome is formed above the side wings.
Besides architectural and historical, the bath also has balneological values. It is supplied with water from the main spring, both for bathing and for heating rooms. The facility has a small swimming pool, 8 small hydro-massage tubs and one large Jacuzzi bath.
Cultural offer
Jošanička Banja offers the following cultural contents:
- Cultural Center "Milomir Glavčić" - foundation of Milomir Glavčić's from Canada, opened in 2013. The Center is located under the management of the Cultural Center "Gradac", which organizes various cultural contents in the aforementioned Cultural Center, such as: theater performances for children and adults, cultural events, stands, literary evenings, film, etc.
- The library, opened in 2013 in the Cultural Center "Milomir Glavčić", is under the management of the Culture Center "Gradac" with an opus of about 8,000 books.
- Cultural Monuments can be visited in Jošanička Banja: Memorial Complex Milunka Savić, birthplace of the Patriarch of German, Temple of the Assumption of the Most Holy Mother of God, the birthplace of Milunka Savić in Koprivnica.
Pizzeria Lola
Lake in Čomage
In the Upper Čomage, in the plateau, the Lake of Urvine is located in aproximate dimensions of 60x35 m. From the center of Jošanička Banja, it is 1,500 meters away and located at an altitude of 650 meters at the foot of the pine forest Borjak (reserve of the National Park Kopaonik). It is covered with paludal vegetation, while the lake surrounds lush meadows and pastures, so it could be used for excursion and recreational purposes.
Hiking and biking trails
Jošanička Banja offers three well-organized walking and cycling trails where recreational people as well as sport players can enjoy and train in beautiful areas of the spa, the shade of forest and clear air. Marked routes provide the opportunity for nature lovers and adventurers to get acquainted with the hidden beauties of this part of the mountain, ie the Green Gate of Kopaonik.
Trails are of different lengths and levels of difficulty:
- Borje - red route (the hardest track), total length of 4.5 km and elevation of 896 m above sea level.
- Borje - orange route (medium-sized path), total length 2,3 km and altitude 860 m.
- Borje - the green route (the easiest track), the total length is 4.8 km and the altitude is 870 m.
All trails together make a circular track 10 km long. Walking along the marked "health trails", visitors can enjoy a holiday near Lake Čomage.
Hotel Oaza
Hotel "Oaza" is located at the entrance to Jošanička Banja, on the left side of the road from Belgrade. It has 10 double, 8 triple and 3 single rooms and a restaurant. Within the hotel there is a petrol pump supplied to all types of fuels, shops, and a large terrace with a fountain.
Aqua park Draguljica
Aqua park Draguljica is located right next to the main road leading to Kopanik, right in the center of the spa, on the right side, and it is the right place for recreation. It was built in 2011. It is located right next to the river basin of the Jošanica River, with clear and cold mountain water, under the thermal springs of the spa. From the restaurant Draguljica with a spacious terrace to the aqua park leads an arranged path, a promenade. The swimming pool is filled with thermal water which is mixed with cold due to cooling. Next to the pool there are two Jacuzzi, also with thermal water. Within this complex there are changing cabins, toilets, showers, children's playgrounds, a restaurant.
“Đorov most” excursion site
The "Đorov most" excursion site is located at the entrance to the National Park Kopaonik, 4 km away from Jošanička Banja, along the left bank of the Samokovka River, surrounded by beech forest. On the excursion site there are several summer resorts with capacity for over 100 holiday lovers and excursions in the countryside. It is visited a lot during weekends due to the ambience and peace, clean and pleasant air, especially on warm summer days. It is the right place for rest and recreation and it is an inevitable station of tourists visiting Kopaonik.
Hotel Putnik ****
Hotel Putnik is located in the most beautiful part of Kopaonik, in the Sunny valley. The capacity of the completely renovated hotel is 116 accommodation units, or 270 beds, of which 83 are modern standard rooms, 13 families and 6 luxuriously equipped apartments, as well as Superior Villa Putnik which is part of Hotel Putnik with 6 families and 8 standard rooms. Hotel Putnik has plenty of additional content: Wi-Fi, pension restaurant, lobby bar, Wellness & Spa center, fitness center, two conference rooms, kids’ playroom and cinema, hairdresser lounge and massage room, ski equipment and quads, multifunctional outdoor sports’ court.
Hotel Club A ***
Hotel Club A is located in the very center of the tourist complex on Kopaonik. Single, double and triple rooms are available for guests, comfortably arranged. Additional facilities: small conference room, indoor swimming pool, jacuzzi, sauna, massage salon, restaurant, cocktail bar, children's playroom, parking and ski resort.
Hotel Club A Kopaonik operates as a branch of the company Hotel Moskva DOO Belgrade.
Stara Pavlica Monastery
Stara Pavlica Monastery is located on a rocky hill on the right bank of the Ibar River, near Nova Pavlica Monastery. Past of this monument is known a little. It is not determined when it was created or who was the benefactor. There are assumptions that it was built at the end of ninth or the beginning of the tenth century as indicated by the fact that it is dedicated to the Holy Apostle Paul.
In the historical sources it is mentioned for the first time in the nineteenth century in one gift charter of Stefan Prvovenčani. Pavlica was male monastery. According to architectural and spatial and constructive concept, Stara Pavlica is a unique temple in Serbia. There are no surviving objects that might be a role model and on which basis the time of occurrence could be determined. Today only a part of the original and rather complex structure is preserved. The church was once decorated with frescoes as a whole, and now only fragments of two layers of frescoes are preserved. There are visible parts of the evangelists, standing figures of saints, the remains of the Crucifixion on the north wall, as well as parts of not made by hands character of Christ. Painted on a blue background with red borders, younger frescoes date from the mid-thirteenth century.
Semeteško Lake
At the foothills of Kopaonik, 15 km away from Raška, above the village of Semeteš, there is a Semeteško Lake, which has about 50 m in length and about 7 m in depth. Three streams flow into it, and the water doesn’t flow out from it. The water is blue-green in color and covered with typha and reed. The characteristic of the lake is several floating islands, that is sods, floating on the surface ("green ships"). When the wind blows, the islands are moving, so curious visitors can "ride" on the lake. It is rich in fish, especially carp and babushka. Every year, at St. Ilija, a traditional cultural event "Ilinski Dani" is held on the Semeteško Lake.
Grand Hotel & Spa ****
Grand Hotel & SPA is located in the heart of the tourist center Kopaonik. It is luxuriously equipped, offers a high level of service to its guests a number of facilities: Wellness, SPA, a modern sports hall, swimming pool. The hotel has 128 superior rooms, 25 family rooms, 10 premium suites, 1 executive suite and 1 presidential suite. Part of the total capacity of 165 rooms and suites completely redesigned and adapted to the guests with the highest expectations in terms of quality and comfort.